Collateral Murder - An overtly Christian Perspective - "Who is my neighbor?" - Why I press on


The events around Collateral Murder that brought Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to the world stage have faded in the minds of many or are simply unknown by the young. When it comes up there is typically some kind of political message wrapped up in the coverage. Please allow me to give you an overtly Christian perspective not only from my study of it, but because I was associated with the people who did it!

The leadership of 1st Presbyterian Church in Enterprise, Alabama were probably familiar with Luke 10:25-37 the story of the Good Samaritan. They would know that the religious leadership in the story went out of their way to avoid an injured man, while someone who was not part of their group showed mercy. The concluding command of Christ is penetrating: “You go, and do likewise.” In 2007 my family and I were members of the church.

On July 12, 2007, a day I know from memory, people trained by the leadership of 1st Presbyterian Church and their associates did not simply avoid an injured man, but rather were the ones who injured the man and when a Good Samaritan, Mr. Tomal, came by they filled his body with lots of large caliber bullets and almost did the same to his kids. If you have 34 minutes watch the video with details on how it impacted my life, my family, and so many others:

Besides the events, there are important cultural impacts that I ask you to consider, keeping in mind: “You go, and do likewise.”

Impact on the press and whistleblower

Perhaps the best summary of what has happened to the press was made by Nils Melzer – UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

You are wrong to think that it is about who wins the extradition.

As long as Julian Assange is silenced in solitary confinement, this proceeding can last as long as it wants. The US has won.

I can guarantee you that already today people who might otherwise leak secret information are now very careful because they can see with their own eyes what is going to happen

Consider what has happened to those in the press and their sources related to COVID, masks, Climate Change, the Ukraine conflict, or other high profile issues. Those who do not toe the line are ignored or end up on Myrotvorets.

The “Collateral Pipeline” example was offered in January ( and in February Seymour Hersh exposed the perpetrators. The results was the typical “shoot the messenger”. The ShofarLeaks model is still on the table.

Impact on the Software Community

My personal whistleblowing at Westar during the Collateral Murder era was economic. Money drives the software community and their management teams, irrespective of claiming Christ. There is a tendency to be part of the team before examining what is obedience to Christ, as it can have an impact on your paycheck or lack thereof.

It has been clear to see in that in the last decade plus of reaching out to others claiming an interest in software, there have been now about 10 who to varying degrees expressed interest in digging into the technology of ShofarNexus. Those that have actually shown up remains at zero. I once indirectly heard “it scared the living daylights out of him”.

To those who have an ability to grasp the technology and how it is being used to enslave, the call is on the table. Will you walk by on the other side of the street where there is ease, and lots of money? Are you part of the helicopter crew? Or will “You go, and do likewise”?

Impact on the Sex Slave

You may be aware of the documentation I provided demonstrating that “Sound of Freedom” was simply a money-making scam. Now that there is more evidence on the table, it is clear it is a money-making scam. A lot of sensational events were depicted, but it was “creative license”. But some of the issues are very real. Adrenochrome was mentioned a bit but did not remain at the forefront as it is a bit more than cruel. So we can buy a movie ticket and think we are doing a good thing, but don’t talk about Adrenochrome as much of it is sourced by Right Sector groups and the market is to those with serious political and economic power. Rather, walk by on the other side of the street showing your movie ticket.

However, there are examples of moms who at great risk rescued their kids from these groups. Perhaps technology can help the next one, and very clearly the customers do not want exposure. I want to allow that exposure. Do you want to “do likewise”?

Impact on Reconciliation

Reconciliation is at the heart of ShofarLeaks. The obvious example on the table is Ukraine. The war will end and before or after there will be opportunities to facilitate reconciliation. I have reached out to many culturally Russian or culturally Ukrainian, especially in the Christian community and have thus far a limited response, but a responses no less. I have heard an overtly Christian man reach out to others in his country to reconcile. I want to stand with him. I want to help him communicate with others. I want to help bring healing. Is this not doing likewise?


John Kozlowski

Email: ● Phone: (423) 716-6432 ● ● ●

Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Oct 19, 2023 ● An appeal for involvement or even taking over the ShofarLeaks project
Oct  3, 2023 ● Collateral Murder - An overtly Christian Perspective - "Who is my neighbor?" - Why I press on

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

“Modern day slavery – from cocoa to sex – offering a fighting chance for some”